
Studio.SC Officially Carbon Neutral

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We are committed to a better future, for our planet, for our people and for our communities. We believe a more prosperous future is a healthier and happier future. That is why we are now officially certified as a NET Zero business in our operations, and fully committed to reducing our impact in the years ahead.

Yes, we may all be working at home today, nor travelling as much as we’d like, but when we do emerge from this health pandemic, we have a clear plan to monitor and mitigate our carbon footprint as a team at Studio.SC so we have even less impact to offset.

Importantly, we recognise that the pursuit to amplify life by creating a more sustainable positive impact is within our influence as built environment design professionals, and we look forward to going beyond our imaginations in creating the future we need for our clients and the communities they serve.

Garth MulhollandNOCO2 (Carbon Reduction Institute)
Simon Perry – Atelier Illume Design

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