
Studio.SC Win Sorrell Street Design Excellence Competition

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Studio.SC have won the Design Excellence Competition for 2 Sorrell Street, a landmark development on Parramatta’s northern riverbank.

The Sorrell Street site is situated in a prime location forming the junction between the city and the emerging river precinct. Capitalising on the site’s key location and being the first proposed development on the northern riverbank, it was important to set a benchmark for connectivity and place making. Our proposed design seeks to establish visual and physical connections to the parks, foreshore, river and civic spaces, thereby building on the cultural history of the area, and integrating into the new emerging cultural precinct.

2 Sorrell Street creates a living experience that is uniquely connected to community, nature and its urban context. A central link from ‘street to river’ connects both the residents directly to the lobby, and the public to the ground level retail and commercial offerings. A selection of retail, hospitality and co-working offerings at the ground plane activate the public domain, blurring the threshold between the public and private spaces, creating a unique experience for residents and the public.

The buildings vertical ‘green communal spine’ draws the landscape up and through the building and connects ‘roof to river’ via a series of communal, semi-outdoor spaces catering for the diverse personality types across resident groups and providing an opportunity to build social connections and community through shared interests.

Green communal spine
“The idea of a cascading collection of vertical volumes led to the opportunity to introduce the “green communal spine” through the heart of the building, which visually and physically connects public, communal and private spaces through amenity, materiality, volume and vegetation. Via activated spaces, and a ‘live’ building threshold, the communal spine integrates into the cultural fabric of the river edge precinct and provides occupants additional amenity on the primary elevation and view corridor.” Nicholas Bandounas, Director, Studio.SC

The Sorrell Street design proposal contributes positively to the urban life of the precinct and connects to the broader cultural offering along the river promenades. Our team is thrilled to bring this ambitious design to life and to contribute to the evolving and dynamic urban landscape of Parramatta.

The Oculus, is the focal nexus of the Australian War Memorial aligned with the Hall of Memory, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Pool of Reflection . (Image: Thurston Empson).
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